مكتبة السنة |Maktabah As Sunnah

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Alhamdulillah, the brothers at the Maktabah, after seeing Deobandis and Barelwis regularly attending the masjid, have taken the initiative to prepare Da'wah leaflets to help spread clarity on these matters. We are pleased to inform you that we have reached out personally to Shaykh Abu Khadeejah and Shaykh Rasheed Barbee, who have graciously granted us permission to use their content verbatim. These fliers will be made available for all communities to freely download as PDFs and print at their convenience. However, regarding the leaflet on Barelvism, we are still waiting to hear back from Shaykh Abu Iyaad for final permission, as we've used material from his website that is publicly available. We kindly request your support for this effort. While the content is freely available for all to benefit, there are costs associated with designing, managing, and printing the fliers. Your generous donations will help cover these expenses and allow us to continue providing high-quality resources for the benefit of the community. May Allah reward you for your contributions and grant success to this endeavor.